Monday, 12 March 2018



 The Web 

• Web page is an electronic document on the Web, which can contain text, graphics, animation, audio,    and video.

• Web site is a collection of related Web pages and associated items such as documents and pictures,      stored on a Web server.

• Web is a worldwide collection of electronic documents.

 Types of Web sites

• Portal

• Blog

• Wiki

• Online Social Network

• Business

 Types of Web sites : Portal

• A Web site that offers a variety of Internet services from a single, convenient location.

• It is like a one stop center where we can get everything from one place.

• Services offered by portals:

 - Search engine and/or subject directory

- News

- Sports and weather

- Email and other communication services

- Web publishing

- Reference tools (such as yellow pages, stock quotes, and maps)

- Shopping

• Many portals have online communities.

• Online community.

- A Web site that joins a specific group of people with similar interests or relationships.

- Offer online photo albums, chat rooms, and other services to facilitate communications among             members.

• Examples of public portals:

- Google

- Yahoo!

- Excite


- Lycos


 Types of Web sites: Blog

• An informal Web site that consists time-stamped articles in a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse chronological order.

• Reflects the interest, opinions and personalities of the author and sometimes site visitors.

• Related terms:

 - vlog: a video blog (a blog that contains video clips)

- Microblog: allows users to publish short messages (ex: Twitter)

- Blogosphere: worldwide collection of blogs

- Vlogosphere: all vlogs worldwide.

- Blogger: blog author

 - Vlogger: vlog author

• Purpose of blogs:

- Businesses create blogs: to communicate with employees, customers, and vendors.

- Teachers create blogs: to collaborate with other teachers and students.

- Home users create blogs:  to share aspects of their personal life with family, friends, and others.

 Types of Web sites: Wiki

• A collaborative Web site that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the Web site content       via their Web browser.

 • Open to modification by the general public.

 • Wikis usually collect recent edits on a Web page so someone can review them for accuracy.

• Difference between wiki and blog:

- Wiki contents can be modified by anyone.

- Blog contents can only be modified by the blogger.

• Examples of wiki:

- Wikipedia

- WikiHow

Types of Web sites: Online Social Network

• A Web site that encourages members in its online community to share their interests, ideas, stories,      photos, music, and videos with other registered users.

• Popular social networking Web sites include MySpace and Facebook, with Facebook alone                 boasting more than 300 million active users.

• In some social networking Web sites, such as Second Life, users assume an imaginary identity and     interact with other users in a role-playing type of environment.

• A media sharing Web site is a specific type of online social network that enables members to share     media such as photos, music, and videos.

• Flickr, Fotki, and Webshots: popular photo sharing communities.
  PixelFish and YouTube: popular video sharing communities.

Types of Web sites: Business

• A Web site that contains content that promotes or sells products or services.

• Nearly every business has a business Web site.

• Many of these companies also allow you to purchase their products or services online.

• Examples:

- Malaysia Airlines Online Booking Website

- Trivago

Monday, 5 March 2018



      Internet service provider (ISP), company that provides Internet connections and services to individuals and organizations. In addition to providing access to the Internet, ISPs may also provide software packages (such as browsers), e-mail accounts, and a personal Web site or home page. ISPs can host Web sites for businesses and can also build the Web sites themselves. ISPs are all connected to each other through network access points, public network facilities on the Internet backbone.
The rise of commercial Internet services and applications helped fuel a rapid commercialization of the Internet. This phenomenon was the result of several other factors as well. One important factor was the introduction of the personal computer (PC) and the workstation in the early 1980s—a development that in turn was fueled by unprecedented progress in integrated circuit technology and an attendant rapid decline in computer prices. Another factor, which took on increasing importance, was the emergence of Ethernet and other “local area networks” (LANs) to link personal computers.

       But, other forces were at work too. Following the restructuring of AT&T Corporation in 1984, the U.S. National Science Foundation took advantage of various new options for its national-level digital backbone service, known as NSFNET. In 1988 the U.S. Corporation for National Research Initiatives received approval to conduct an experiment linking a commercial e-mail service (MCI Mail) to the Internet. This application was the first Internet connection to a commercial provider that was not also part of the research community. Approval quickly followed to allow other e-mail providers access, and the Internet began its first explosion in traffic.
In 1993 federal legislation allowed NSF to open the NSFNET backbone to commercial users. Prior to that time, use of the backbone was subject to an “acceptable use” policy, established and administered by NSF, under which commercial use was limited to those applications that served the research community. NSF recognized that commercially supplied network services, now that they were available, would ultimately be far less expensive than continued funding of special-purpose network services.

       Also, in 1993 the University of Illinois made widely available Mosaic, a new type of computer program, known as a browser, that ran on most types of computers and, through its “point-and-click” interface, simplified access, retrieval, and display of files through the Internet. Mosaic incorporated a set of access protocols and display standards originally developed at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) by Tim Berners-Lee for a new Internet application called the World Wide Web (WWW). In 1994 Netscape Communications Corp. (originally called Mosaic Communications Corporation) was formed to develop a Web browser, Navigator, and server software for commercial use. Shortly thereafter the software giant Microsoft Corporation became interested in supporting Internet applications on personal computers and developed its Internet Explorer Web browser (based initially on Mosaic) and other programs. These new commercial capabilities accelerated the growth of the Internet, which as early as 1988 had already been growing at the rate of 100 percent per year.

       By the late 1990s there were approximately 10,000 ISPs around the world, more than half located in the United States. However, most of these ISPs provided only local service and relied on access to regional and national ISPs for wider connectivity. Consolidation began at the end of the decade, with many small to medium-sized providers merging or being acquired by larger ISPs. Among these larger providers were groups such as America Online, Inc. (AOL), which had started as a dial-up information service with no Internet connectivity but made a transition in the late 1990s to become the leading provider of Internet services in the world—with more than 25 million subscribers by 2000 and with branches in Australia, Europe, South America, and Asia. Meanwhile, many new state-owned ISPs entered the business in large national markets, such as China, India, and Indonesia, and quickly eclipsed the subscriber base of any traditional commercial ISP.

       Dial-up Internet customers continued to shift to broadband service for faster Internet connections. The entry-level broadband service offered by telephone and cable television companies cost as little as dial-up services in some parts of the United States. As a result of the shift, dial-up Internet provider AOL watched its base of dial-up service subscribers decline from nearly 27 million in 2002 to 17.7 million by 2006 and to 2.1 million in 2015. In an effort to reposition itself, AOL no longer sought to be the premier provider of dial-up service and instead tried to become a free advertising-supported Internet portal like Yahoo and Google. AOL offered its customers two approaches: they could still pay for dial-up Internet access from AOL, or they could pay for Internet access from another company and still access many AOL features for free.

      With the proliferation of Internet sites such as Netflix that broadcast video and other large files, ISPs have pushed for the right to offer differently priced tiers of service to online content or software providers on the basis of their Internet use. Proponents of net neutrality believe, among other things, that network providers should be required to treat all broadband consumers equally instead of charging some consumers higher prices for using more bandwidth (data-carrying capacity). Opponents of net neutrality question whether cable and telephone companies could afford to invest in advanced security or transmission services if they could not charge a premium for them. In general, big Internet providers of content and software support net neutrality, while the ISPs are against it. Legislation will be required to settle the dispute.

Friday, 2 March 2018






Sesungguhnya mudah bagi seseorang meninggalkan dosa-dosa besar, namun ada beberapa dosa yang bersifat halus dan tersembunyi sehingga tidak disedari seseorang, atau kalau pun yang bersangkutan menyedarinya tetap saja sulit baginya untuk membuangnya. Sebagai contoh, demam typhus yang merupakan penyakit berat yang diikuti demam tinggi, bisa segera diubati dengan ubat yang tepat, tetapi tuberkulosa yang bekerja diam-diam tak terlihat malah lebih sulit pengubatannya.
Begitu juga dengan dosa-dosa halus yang tersembunyi dengan akibat manusia bersangkutan tidak bisa mencapai darjat kerohanian yang luhur. Bentuknya adalah dosa-dosa akhlak yang menimbulkan gangguan dalam kehidupan sosial. Perbezaan sedikit saja dalam status sosial telah menimbulkan kedengkian, kebencian, kecemburuan, kemunafikan dan ketakaburan dimana seseorang lalu memandang rendah saudaranya. Kalau ada seseorang yang melakukan solat secara patut selama beberapa hari dan orang-orang memujinya karena itu, ia lalu menjadi korban kesombongan dan rasa harga diri tinggi sehingga kehilangan ketulusan yang sebenarnya menjadi tujuan pokok daripada peribadatan.
Jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kekayaan, pengetahuan, status sosial yang tinggi atau kehormatan, orang cenderung mulai memandang rendah saudaranya yang lain yang tidak memperoleh kurnia tersebut. Bila kerana sifat keras kepala atau rasa permusuhan, hubungan seseorang dengan saudaranya menjadi buruk, biasanya ia cenderung menyibukkan dirinya siang dan malam mencari-cari kesalahan saudaranya atau mengadukannya kepada yang berwenang dengan cerita kelemahan yang dikarang-karang agar ia bisa menggantikan posisi saudaranya itu, padahal ia sendiri yang mempunyai kelemahan dimaksud.
Semua itu merupakan dosa-dosa tersembunyi yang sulit dibuang. Sifat takabur/kesombongan termasuk di dalamnya dan dimanifestasikan dalam berbagai bentuk. Para pemuka agamapun juga ada yang menderita penyakit ini berkaitan dengan pengetahuan yang dimilikinya.  Mereka menyibukkan diri sepanjang waktu mencari-cari kesalahan satu sama lain di bidang intelektual dengan tujuan mempermalukan dan merendahkan yang lainnya. Sulit sekali mengenyahkan dosa-dosa halus seperti itu padahal termasuk dosa yang tidak diampuni menurut kaidah Ilahi.
Tidak hanya manusia awam yang terjangkiti dosa ini, kerana juga terdapat pada orang-orang yang biasa menghindari dosa-dosa umum serta dipandang sebagai ulama, cendekiawan atau mereka yang berdarjat tinggi. Terhindarnya dari dosa-dosa tersembunyi tersebut bagaikan sejenis kematian. Sampai seseorang lepas dari kegelapan dosa demikian maka ia tidak akan pernah mencapai kesucian nurani dan menjadi pewaris dari segala anugerah dan keluhuran yang dikurniakan Allah s.w.t. kepada mereka yang telah disucikan kalbunya.
Beberapa orang menganggap dirinya telah lepas dari keburukan akhlak demikian, tetapi ketika mereka bertemu dengan orang lainnya, langsung saja mereka bangkit dan tidak mampu menekan perasaan memandang diri lebih serta ketakaburan mereka dengan memperlihatkan manifestasi akhlak rendah yang mereka kira telah mereka tinggalkan. Pada saat seperti itulah akan terlihat bahwa mereka sebenarnya belum lepas dari dosa-dosa dimaksud dan belum memperoleh kemaslahatan serta masih jauh dari tingkat kesucian kalbu yang menjadi ciri dari orang-orang muttaqin.
Semua ini menunjukkan bahwa kesucian akhlak adalah suatu hal yang sangat sulit dicapai dan tak mungkin diperoleh tanpa rahmat Allah s.w.t. Rahmat demikian bisa diperoleh dengan tiga cara, iaitu, pertama, berusaha dan berencana, kedua, solat dan berdoa, dan ketiga, memelihara silaturrahmi dengan seorang yang muttaqin. (Khutbah-khutbah, hal. 17-18).



Okay, insyallah, kali ni, saya nak cerita pada semua orang tentang, “Apakah tips dan cara untuk tinggalkan cinta sebelum nikah dan ikhtilat?”. Saya yakin 100%, sangat ramai orang rasa terseksa
dengan ikhtilat dan cinta, tapi malangnya, ramai yang tak tahu macamana nak lupakan bf/gf korang. Juga, ramai yang takut nak jaga ikhtilat sebab takut di anggap sombong, poyo dan lain-lain oleh orang berlainan jantina.
Tapi, awal-awal saya nak bagitahu, cara yang saya nak ajar ni memang efektif kalau korang BUAT! Tapi, kalau korang tak nak berkorban, still rasa berat, kalau saya bagi sejuta tips pun, korang takkan mampu buat. Ingat, hendak seribu daya, tak nak sejuta dalih!
Okay, jom kita tengok satu persatu.


1) Faham apakah hukum ikhtilat serta asas-asanya, dan cinta sebelum nikah.
Ini tips pertama yang saya letak. Sebab, ramai orang ikhtilat dan sibuk bercintan-cintun, crush sini sana, sembang dengan berlainan jantina tanpa rasa bersalah atas alasan “takde syahwat” kononnya, dan lain-lain, tanpa rasa BERSALAH LANGSUNG!! Kenapa? Sebab, ramai yang tak tahu pun benda tu salah!Bila tak tahu benda tu salah, bila tak faham, maka benda yang salah mereka anggap tak salah, bila tegur, marah, mengamuk, kutuk dan sebagainya.

2) Unfriend dan unfollow orang berlainan jantina di media social samada Facebook, Instagram, twitter dan lain-lain.

Bagi saya benda ni sangat penting atas beberapa faktor.
1)Kalau kita friend/follow yang berlainan jantina, ia akan membuatkan kita mudah untuk stalk, dan melihat gambar yang berlainan jantina! Mana taknya, bila kita friend/follow, segala gambar-gambar mereka akan keluar kat newsfeed kita,gambar gedik ke, selfie ke, gambar ala-ala solehah ke, apa-apalah. Dan ia akan menyebabkan hati makin lama makin hancur lebur secara halus dan tak perasan.
Lepas tu, start like-like gambar, and then, bila gambar korang dapat banyak like, korang start perasan yang korang cantik/hensem, lepas tu mula la start post gambar yang makin lama makin gedik, mengarut, dan rasa nak tumbuk je. Argh!! (Tetiba mengamuk…)
So, bila kita unfriend dan unfollow, ia lebih menjaga iman kita. Bukankah Allah suruh kita tundukkan pandangan? Tak kiralah kalau kita tengok gambar tu dengan syahwat atau tak, Allah dan rasul tetap suruh kita tutupkan pandangan!

“Datangnya musibah di awali dengan penglihatan, seperti kebakaran besar di awali dengan percikan api kecil!”
(ibn Qayyim)

Sebab tu ulama meletakkan dosa mata ialah apabila kita memandang wanita bukan mahram, tak kisah lah dalam real life, atau kat gambar, majalah, tv, dan lain-lain. Satu sudut, memang saya pun maklum, amat susah untuk kita jaga pandangan zaman sekarang. Tapi, persoalannya, apakah USAHA kita?!

 2)Bila kita unfriend dan unfollow yang berlainan jantina, ia dapat mengurangkan kadar kita berhubung dengan berlainan jantina. Ye lah, bila dah friend dan follow, kita boleh komen, kita lagi teransang/bernafsu untuk mulakan chatting padahal tak penting, start like status pastu perasan:

“Pergh.. Farah like status aku! Bermakna, dia, dia…dia suka aku!! Yeah!!!”

“Pergh.. Samdul retweet tweet aku…Argh..meltingnya!!”

Ini semua menimbulkan fitnah. Percayalah. Lagi satu, bila kita friend/follow berlainan jantina, kita akan dapat baca status dan update dia, sekaligus membuatkan kita ada rasa kecenderungan untuk lebih mengenali si dia. Nampak tak permainan setan di situ??
Kalau tak Nampak, tak tahulah….Tapi, kalau kita yakin tak mendatangkan fitnah seperti friend/follow tokoh-tokoh agama, ulama’, ustaz ustazah, dan sebagainya, maka takde masalah.Tapi, pastikan niat untuk dapat manfaat.Yang pasti, jangan tipu diri sendiri.
Oleh sebab tulah, saya dah tulis secara panjang lebar tentang isu ni supaya korang semua FAHAM gila-gila tentang isu ikhtilat dan cinta sebelum nikah ni. Boleh baca tulisan saya di link-link berikut. BACA! Kalau dah ada usaha nak dapat ilmu, tapi kita tolak dan berterusan dalam keadaan jahil, kita dosa. Kalau dah tahu tapi tak amal, pun dapat dosa.

3) Jangan save nombor yang berlainan jantina.

Ni pun satu tips yang berguna. Saya sendiri dalam henset takde save satu pun nombor perempuan. Kalau saya nak berhubung atas urusan kerja, saya akan cari di group whats app kerja tu, dan berurusan sekadar untuk menyetelkan urusan.
Kalau kita save nombor perempuan, lebih-lebih lagi rakan satu kelas, rakan satu kuliah, orang yang kita suka dan lain-lain, ia lagi memudahkan kita untuk start mesej, pastu call bagai. And then….. Faham-fahamlah.

4) Jauhi berkawan dengan orang yang kaki ikhtilat dan couple.

Ini benda yang sangat penting bagi saya. Sebab kawan ni adalah benda yang sangat besar dalam islam. Salah plilih kawan, keislaman kita akan hancur. Sebab, kawanlah yang banyak bersama kita, sekaligus akan mempengaruhi kita samada secara sedar ataupun tak.
Bayangkan, bila kita kawan dengan kaki ikhtilat dan couple, nanti dalam kelas, dia akan start cerita pasal perempuan ni, laki tu, artis ni, artist u, pelakon ni, pelakon tu, pastu start luahkan masalah dia, mintak pandangan kita pasal isu cinta, macamana cara nak luahkan perasaan cinta bagai, dan lain-lain.
Lagi masalah, bila kawan kita tu start cucuk-cucuk kita untuk start berikhtilat dan couple dengan memperkenal dan men’suggest’kan kita untuk berikhtilat dan couple dengan perempuan dan laki ni.
“Weh, bak kata Syamsul, Bakri suka kau Farah…Eee…Jelesnya aku! Farah, ni peluang kau. Bakri dah la hot, hensem gila kata kau…Pastu dia minat kau. Serius untung!! Tryla kau mesej-mesej dia. Hehe…”
“Aku tengok kau sedih je. Kenapa ni Ayob?Aku tahu kau suka Sarah. Tapi kau segan nak bagitau dia kan? Kalau kau nak aku tolong, boleh je:) Aku tak nak kau sedih-sedih ni. Kau sedih, aku pun sedih beb….”
“Hahaha..kau takde awek? Bapak nerd gila kau!”
Dan lain-lain. Bagi saya, ayat-ayat di atas ni benda REAL. Bila kita start kawan dengan orang yang kaki ikhtilat dan couple, secara tak langsung, mereka akan pengaruh dan goda kita untuk turut serta melakukan dosa tu, walaupun mereka takde niat. Percayalah.So, tinggalkan mereka, cari kawan yang baik dan soleh.
Ada sorang kawan saya mengadu. Yang mana, dia ni hafiz quran 30 juzuk. Bila dia pindah sekolah, kawan-kawan kat sekolah abru dia semuanya couple. Sampai satu tahap, dia rasa MALU kalau tak couple. Akhirnya, dia pun couple....Isk, isk, isk...

5) Berukhwah dengan sesama jantina.

Sebenarnya, berukhwah dengan yang sama jantina sejuta kali ganda lagi manis dan nikmat daripada bercinta dan berikhtilat. Serius saya tak tipu. Saya sendiri bila chat dengan kawan-kawan baik saya, saya boleh tersenyum sorang-sorang, tergelak sorang-sorang, dan kadang-kadang, boleh nangis teresak-esak sebab rindu!
Banyakkan bersama kawan sejantina yang baik dan soleh, yang sering support kita buat baik, yang bantu dan sanggup dengar luahan masalah kita dengan sabar walaupun lama, yang sering nasihat kita bila kita buat salah, yang berada di sisi kita time kita susah dan senang, yang boleh simpan aib kita, yang sering memberi kita semangat time tengah down, fuh….
Nikmat gila beb!!
Bagi saya, orang yang berikhtilat dan couple ni, punca dia ialah dia langsung tak pernah rasa nikmat berukhwah dengan sesama jantina. Sebab tu akhirnya dia pilih jalan dosa untuk memuaskan kekosongan dan keboringan dalam hidup dia. Akhirnya, dia takkan puas dengan ikhtilat dan couple, bahkan, dia akan bertambah HAUS, ketagih dan terseksa bagai orang yang terseksa dengan ketagihan dadah.
Mana taknya, ramai orang yang ingatkan mereka ni berukhwah. Tapi, mereka cemari jalan ukhwah dengan perbuatan dosa.Pergi wayang sama-sama rakan sejantina, merempit sama-sama, cerita pasal awek/pakwe sama-sama. Orang yang cemarkan jalan ukhwah dengan dosa, mereka tak akan merasai nikmatnya ukhwah!!!
Saya ulangi:
“Orang yang cemarkan jalan ukhwah dengan dosa, mereka tak akan merasai nikmatnya ukhwah!”
So, kalau korang nak berukhwah sesama jantina, berukhwahlah dengan cara islam. Saling tolong-menolong ke arah kebaikan, rapat dan kenal mengenal, dan lain-lain. Baru korang akan rasa nikmat ukhwah. Bila dah rasa nikmat ukhwah bersama rakan sejantina, percayalah, korang takkan teringin nak ikhtilat dan couple, sebab korang dah dapat rasa kemanisan dan kebahgiaan dalam berukhwah.

6) Elakkan dari tengok drama cinta, baca novel cinta, dengar lagu cinta dan apa-apa yang berkaitan cinta.

Hakikatnya, apa yang kita lihat, apa yang kita dengar, dan apa yang kita baca, akan membentuk satu CARA FIKIR lalu akan mengesani hati dan perbuatan kita! Kalau kita sering melihat benda-benda yang baik, dengar benda yang baik-baik, dan membaca benda yang baik-baik, maka cara fikir kita akan baik, dan akan membuahkan perbuatan dan amal yang baik!
Tapi, kalau buruk? Kalau tengok movie drama pun pasal cinta, dengar lagu cinta, baca novel cinta, akhirnya, kita akan rasa cinta dan ikhtilat tu tak salah, bahkan kita akan rasa malu kalau tak couple dan malu kalau tak ikhtilat. Apakah semua ini? Tidaaaaak!!!
Saya umpamakan benda ni macam SPAN
"Kalau kita masukkan span dalam air najis, bila kita perah, yang akan keluar ialah air najis. Kalau kita masukkan span tu dalam air bersih, bila kita perah, yang keluar juga adalah air bersih..."
Sama macam hati kita. Kalau yang masuk dalam hati kita ialah pasal cinta, akhirnya ia akan membuahkan perbuatan yang berkaitan dengan cinta.
Cukup-cukuplah. Bawak bertaubat.

7) Sibukkan diri dengan dakwah dan tarbiah.

Ini bagi saya sangat penting. Bila kita dah takde kerja nak buat, kita pun akan buat benda yang takde kerja. Takde kerja nak couple semua tu, pelik betul. Sebab tu, kita kena sibukkan diri kita dengan amal, dengan dakwah, dengan tarbiah!! Kalau kita sibuk dengan benda-benda ni, sampai satu tahap, kita dah takde masa nak fikir pasal cintan-cintun ni. Percayalah.
Saya ada sorang kawan, satu hari dia masuk kelas, muka dia sedih, muram dan amcam nak nangis. Saya ingat dia sedih sebab putus cinta ke apa(Walaupun dia ni langsung tak bercinta dan amat menjaga ikhtilat). Saya tanya dia, kenapa dia sedih? Dia jawab:
“Aku sedih sebab orang yang aku dakwah dah lama tak datang jumpa aku. Aku takut dia lari dari dakwah aku….”
Pergh. Saya respect gila. Orang yang dah sibuk dengan dakwah tarbiah ni, sampai satu tahap, dia rasa jatuh cinta dengan dakwah dan tarbiah, sehingga, dia sanggup korbankan segala-galanya untuk dakwah tarbiah. Jealous kan?
Contoh paling dekat dengan ialah ialah Alqassam di Palestin. Yang mana, ahli briged Alqassam semuanya bawah 30 tahun. Kebanyakannya sekitar 18 hingga 25. Lihat, mereka sibukkan diri mereka dengan dakwah, tarbiah dan jihad, sehingga mereka takde masa langsung nak fikir pasal couple semuanya. Kalau mereka mampu, so, jangan bagi alasan yang kita tak mampu!
Itulah 7 cara yang saya boleh bagi untuk tinggalkan ikhtilat dan cinta sebelum nikah. Saya dan kawan-kawan saya dah buat, dan kami berjaya Alhamdulillah.Korang bila lagi? Jom!



Red Gorgeous

As you know, saving is possible when buying clothes, but isn’t suitable for shoes, because well-chosen women shoes will significantly improve image.

Women Shoes Fashion Trends And Tendencies
In spring summer 2018 season women shoes in 60’s style will be at height of popularity as gladiators, mules shoes and sports style sandals. Ladies shoes with lacing will be topical, especially because they will suit with almost everything, from jeans to midi dresses.
  1. Once there our mothers wore kitten heels, because they were in love with elegant 3cm heel. Now they reappear on shelves of boutiques.
  2. Sandals with countless straps are back at women fashion, and also on low heel.
  3. Sandals with classic spike heel are suitable for elegant women image. However, ladies shoes can quite be made of plastic and must be supplemented with lace, fringe and
  4. Sandals made of suede can now be worn outside the gym. However, this model is perfectly combined with similar style of women clothing.
Colored oxfords for women
If you grew bored of black and gray clothes and want to breath fresh air, especially for that fashion designers presented ladies shoes 2018 in muted pink and blue shades.

Shoes For Women On Platform
 Fashionable shoes for women in men’s style are still relevant, but too rough shoes are better to set aside. Women shoes models on platform are popular and appeared at all brands in 2017 season. They could be combined with anything, for example in contrast creating of delicate dress or midi skirt, culottes. Jeans with high waistline will also fit this type of shoes for women.


4:45 p.m. Bertolak pulang ke rumah dari kmk dengan menaiki bas.
7.15 p.m. Sampai ke rumah dengan selamat.

Seharian meluangkan masa bersama keluarga.kami melakukan banyak aktiviti bersama-sama seperti makan bersama,menonton televisyen dan berborak.

6.30 a.m.   Menyiapkan diri untuk solat subuh.
7.00 a.m.   Sarapan pagi bersama-sama.
8.00 a.m.   Mengemas pakaian.
10.00 a.m. Bertolak ke Ipoh dengan menaiki kereta.
1.30 p.m    Singgah untuk makan tengah hari di kedai makan.
4.00 p.m.   Sampai di Ipoh dan menginap di rumah abang.

8.00 a.m.   Bertolak ke Negeri Sembilan(Pulapol,Jempol)untuk melawat abang di sana.
1.30 p.m.   Sampai di sana.
2.00 p.m.   Bertemu dengan abang,berborak dan makan bersama-sama.
4.30 p.m.   Bertolak pulang ke ipoh semula.
8.00 p.m.   Membeli-belah di Nilai,Negeri Sembilan.
12.00 p.m. Sampai ke rumah abang di Ipoh,membersihkan diri.
1.00 a.m.    Tidur.

9.00 a.m. Bertolak pulang ke rumah(kampung halaman).
2.00 p.m. Sampai dirumah,rehat.
6.00 p.m. Menghantar adik pulang ke asrama.

Meluangkan masa di rumah bersama keluarga.

10.00 a.m. Pergi ke sekolah(SMK Sik) untuk mengambil sijil SPM dan bertemu dengan guru-guru.
2.00 p.m.  Makan bersama kawan-kawan di kedai makan.
4.00 p.m.  Bertolak pulang ke rumah.
5.30 p.m.  Sampai di rumah.

5.00 p.m  Keluar bersama ibu bapa untuk membeli sedikit barang keperluan.
6.00 p.m. Singgah di kedai makan untuk menikmati cendol.
6.45 p.m. Bertolak pulang.

11.00 a.m. Bertolak ke Padang Besar.
1.30 p.m. Singgah untuk makan tengah hari di kedai makan.
2.30 p.m. Singgah solat zohor di masjid.
4.30 p.m. Sampai di padang besar,membeli-belah.
5.45 p.m. Bertolak pulang ke KMK.
6.30 p.m. Sampai di KMK.


Product Description
100%Cotton,100%Polyester,Polyester/Cotton( 65% cotton, 35% polyester or 35% cotton, 65% polyester),Spandex/Cotton(95% cotton,5%Spandex),Spandex/polyester,Viscose/Cotton,etc,or custom material.
Dobby,Flannel,Herringbone,Poplin,Twill,Oxford Fabric,Non Iron Fabric,Printed Fabric,Linen Fabric,Denim Fabric,etc,or custom fabric.

120grams,140grams,160grams,180grams,200grams,220grams,etc,or custom weight.
SizeXXS,XS,S,M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL,XXXXL,or custom size.
ColorAny color in panton card or custom color.
Packing1pcs with one polybag, 58pcs in one carton or custom packing.
SampleUsually within 7 days.When confirm the order, the sample is free.
ShipmentOcean shipping,air transportation or custom shipping.
Delivery TimeAbout 30-45 days after the fabric arrived at the factory.
PaymentL/C at sight or 30% T/T in advance,70% T/T balance against documents.

Our Services
We have strict quality standard, do a good job each process, and pay attention to all the details.

Monday, 26 February 2018


 Apple is ramping up development of an augmented reality headset that will have its own display and run on a new chip and operating system, according to well-connected Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman. 

Apple aims to have technology ready for the headset by 2019, and could ship a product as early as 2020, the report claims. But the development timeline is said to be "very aggressive" and could still change. 

The headset's custom operating system, based on iOS, is reportedly dubbed "rOS" for "reality operating system."

Just as tvOS powers the Apple TV, macOS runs on Macs and watchOS runs on Apple Watches, "rOS" will power Apple’s AR headset. Geoff Stahl, formerly a software manager for games and graphics at Apple, is one of the directors of the "rOS" software group.
Apple hasn't finalized how users will control the headset and launch apps, but it is investigating touchscreens, Siri voice activation, and head gestures as it creates prototypes, according to the report.
Engineers are prototyping a range of applications, from mapping and texting to more advanced features including virtual meeting rooms and 360-degree video playback. The company has discussed pairing the headset with its own version of the App Store, where users would be able to download content, just as they do with the iPhone, Watch, Apple TV and Mac.

 Apple software engineers are said to be using HTC Vive headsets, while working on a device similar to an Oculus Gear VR headset that uses an iPhone's display and other hardware, both for internal testing purposes only. 

An augmented reality headset is one of several hardware and software projects that a team of Apple software engineers are supposedly working on under the umbrella code name of "T288" in Cupertino and Sunnyvale. 

The same team was behind ARKit, which provides developers with tools to create augmented reality apps for iPhones and iPads. 

Gurman previously reported that Apple was considering a pair of smart glasses that would connect wirelessly to an iPhone, much like the Apple Watch, and display "images and other information" to the wearer. 

The Financial Times has also reported about Apple experimenting with "several different kinds" of wearable augmented reality prototypes, as it tries to figure out the "most compelling application" for a headset. 

Apple CEO Tim Cook alluded to any headset being at least a few years away during a recent interview about augmented reality. 

"Today I can tell you that the technology itself doesn't exist to do that in a quality way," Cook said. "We don't give a rats about being first, we want to be best in creating people's experiences. Something that you would see out in the market any time soon would not be something that any of us would be satisfied with."

Sunday, 25 February 2018



1. IT Consultant
      Ranking number 13 on CNN’s most recent Best Jobs in America list, the work of being an IT consultant is as vague as it sounds. In this position, your job is to evaluate the systems and do the research that no one else entirely understands. As CNN puts it, everyone from local startups to the Fortune 500 companies need IT consultants to help them figure out the cheapest and fastest ways to run computers better.
Education: A bachelor’s degree in computer science definitely helps, like most positions on this list. CNN also recommends that an IT consultant specialize in a niche category to help focus on the kind of experience he or she gets.
Salary: RM376489.92 according to CNN.

2. Cloud Architect
      You’ve heard of cloud computing of course. Although that storage space existing in the ether can’t be touched literally, it still needs to be organized and given an architecture. That’s what this job is for.
Education: A bachelor’s degree.
Salary: RM437415.67 making it one of the highest paying IT jobs.

3. Computer Forensic Investigator
      Computer crime detectives – The Best Schools reports that computer forensic investigators search for, identify and evaluate information from computer systems, often for trial evidence.
Education:A degree in computer forensics, information security or cyber security. Certification from a computer examiner board also helps.
Salary:RM249951.81 according to TBS.

4. Health IT Specialist
      Health IT is a blossoming field, especially with major changes going on in health care due to the Affordable Care Act and the gradual transition to electronic health records. Health IT specialists will mix computer knowledge will record-keeping skills, but specialities in medical coding, billing and cancer registry are also in demand, according to TBS.
Education: While some health IT jobs require only an associate degree and/or certification, supervisory technician positions call for bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
Salary: RM175747.37 according to TBS.

5. Mobile Application Developer
      Chances are that you and most people you know have smartphones and/or tablet computers. According to Career Realism, the use of mobile tech is predicted to exceed personal computers at some time in 2013, so businesses are more heavily relying on IT professionals with experience in this field than ever before. Using basic coding languages, developers will create programs for future iOS and Android devices.
Education: A bachelor’s in software engineering, computer science, mobile computer or related fields
Salary: RM351494.73 with high growth outlook.

6. Web Developer
    Web developers are jacks of all trades. They create web pages, web applications and web content, but their skill​ set requires them to have excellent understanding of what makes a good operating system, what the average surfer finds visually stimulating and how to optimise sites for mobile tech, among numerous other skills. They also need proficiency in Web languages, like HTML and Javascript.
Education: Accredited degree programs, but many web developers are self taught and use their “portfolios” to win positions.
Salary: RM351494.73 according to TBS.

7. Software Engineer
      Like video games? Want to design the next Facebook? This is for you. Software engineers are behind all the programs we run on our mobile devices and personal computers – and there is a very wide range of niche fields you can work in.
Education: A bachelor’s degree in software engineering or a related field.
Salary: RM347589.24

8. Information Technology Vendor Manager
      Slightly more hands-off compared to some tech positions, vendor managers oversee supply when it comes to software and hardware. This can mean anything from Microsoft’s latest word processor to health IT programs for hospitals.
Education: Computer science degrees are helpful, but a deep understanding of business or even an MBA could clinch a job.
Salary: RM343683.74

9. Geospatial Professionals
      Sound confusing? Geographic information systems are complicated, but exciting and getting mores every day. GIS tech uses geographic data to evaluate and communicate trends and patterns in visually stylish and comprehensive ways, according to Career Realism.
Education: Certificate programs and degrees both improve job outlook.
Salary: Up to RM328061.75 according to Career Realism.

10. Data Modeller
       Another position that translates poorly without jargon, these IT professionals create data designs and define relationships between data fields, according to TBS. Since any company’s data is vital, it’s modelling needs to work perfectly – a more complex task as reliance on computers grows.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in computer science, mathematics or IT – plus on-the-job experience.
Salary: A hefty RM402266.20



  IT includes several layers of physical equipment (hardware), virtualization and management or automation tools, operating systems and applications (software) used to perform essential functions. 

   User devices, peripherals and software, such as laptops, smartphones or even recording equipment, can be included in the IT domain. IT can also refer to the architectures, methodologies and regulations governing the use and storage of data.


  Business applications include databases like SQL Server, transactional systems such as real-time order entry, email servers like Exchange, Web servers like Apache, customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning systems. These applications execute programmed instructions to manipulate, consolidate, disperse or otherwise affect data for a business purpose.

  Computer servers run business applications. Servers interact with client users and other servers across one or more business networks. Storage is any kind of technology that holds information as data. Information can take any form including file data, multimedia, telephony data and Web data, data from sensors or future formats. Storage includes volatile random access memory (RAM) as well as non-volatile tape,
hard disk and solid-state flash drives.

   IT architectures have evolved to include virtualization and cloud computing, where physical resources are abstracted and pooled in different configurations to meet application requirements. Clouds may be distributed across locations and shared with other IT users, or contained within a corporate data center, or some combination of both deployments.




Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.

Information technology is revolutionising the way we communicate, conduct business and relax. A degree in IT offers a wealth of career opportunities, attractive salary packages, and flexibility. Best of all, you don't need a background in science to apply for a bachelor’s degree.

Our common core units will give you a solid foundation in the key areas of computing and information technology. As you progress in your degree, you have the choice of selected units that will give you the confidence to specialise in a specific area of interest.

Typically, IT is used in the context of enterprise operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer technology and telephony.

Set of tools, processes, and methodologies (such as coding/programming, data communications, data conversion, storage and retrieval, systems analysis and design, systems control) and associated equipment employed to collect, process, and present information. In broad terms, IT also includes office automation, multimedia, and telecommunications.

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Set of tools, processes, and methodologies (such as coding/programming, data communications, data conversion, storage and retrieval, systems analysis and design, systems control) and associated equipment employed to collect, process, and present information. In broad terms, IT also includes office automation, multimedia, and telecommunications.

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Set of tools, processes, and methodologies (such as coding/programming, data communications, data conversion, storage and retrieval, systems analysis and design, systems control) and associated equipment employed to collect, process, and present information. In broad terms, IT also includes office automation, multimedia, and telecommunications.

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Monday, 29 January 2018



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